Vision, Values & Aims


Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School – ‘Success for All’

Our vision is that Raddlebarn Primary & Nursery School will provide a safe and secure environment, in which our children are nurtured to become happy, confident and valued as unique individuals.

All our children will become resilient, self-assured and respectful of all, and thrive upon the high expectations of behaviour and learning evident across school. Our curriculum will nurture curiosity and creativity by inspiring, challenging and engaging all children.

Our children will take responsibility for their learning and we will work in partnership with their parents to support their growth. They will leave us equipped with the skills to reflect upon themselves as learners, and to become resourceful young people ready to make a positive contribution to their community, their future learning and the world around them.




We look at different values each month, children will discuss these values and what they mean to them in their classes and within assemblies, whilst it threads through all we do.

We value every child’s journey and believe in ‘Success for All’.

We do this by providing an inclusive, welcoming, attractive and stimulating environment which is calm, supportive and child friendly. 

The needs, best interests and welfare of children are at the forefront of all that we offer and our values reflect this. Our school is non-discriminatory, accessible and sensitive to race, gender, religion, culture, language, disability, sexuality and differing patterns of family life. 

  • We want children to feel happy, safe, secure and successful in an environment that promotes learning and wellbeing. 
  • We follow both the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (in Nursery and Reception) and the National Curriculum (in Years 1-6). 
  • Creativity is at the heart of our school and is used every day to provide learning opportunities for all children, staff and families. 
  • We provide an exciting, purposeful and challenging environment taking into consideration every type of learner. 

We are proud to have achieved our Silver Rights Respecting School Award and are working tirelessly to continue to build on this. 

The UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools award has led us to articles 28 and 29 in the Convention on the Rights of a Child. 

These focus respectively on a child’s right to education and the quality and content of this and we now have it as part of our statement of values: Article 28 says that “State Parties recognise the right of children to education” and “should take all appropriate measures to ensure that school discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity.” 

Article 29 (Goals of education): Children’s education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the fullest. It should encourage children to respect others, human rights and their own and other cultures. It should also help them learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.  

Children have a particular responsibility to respect the rights of their parents, and education should aim to develop respect for the values and culture. The Convention does not address such issues as school uniforms, dress codes, the singing of the national anthem or prayer in schools. It is up to governments and school officials in each country to determine whether, in the context of their society and existing laws, such matters infringe upon other rights protected by the Convention. 


All of our staff work together to achieve the following aims:  

  • To provide a welcoming, attractive and stimulating environment both inside and outside which is calm, supportive and child friendly. We want children to feel happy and secure in an environment that promotes children’s learning. 
  • To welcome, develop, and respect the partnership between home and school. To involve families in their child’s learning and value the many and varied experiences that children and their families bring from home. Work with parents to provide appropriate support for all children to be successful and achieve their very best. 
  • To provide a broad and balanced range of learning experiences where all children are encouraged and supported to develop their learning. We listen to and consult with children to encourage ownership of their learning. 
  • To value and include every child. Encourage children’s confidence and independence to enable them to make choices, decisions and take risks. Encourage children to initiate and extend their learning within a safe but challenging environment. 
  • We recognise the importance of wonder. We give children the opportunity to explore, communicate, negotiate, develop curiosity, express themselves and share experiences together in an environment that encourages children to be researchers.  
  • To provide and plan activities that are exciting, purposeful, challenging and enjoyable and that prepare children for their lifelong learning journey ahead. Extend the opportunities for learning into the wider community and provide a range of real-life experiences in the natural environment.  
  • We place equal value on learning outdoors as we do indoors. Children have the opportunity to learn outside every day. 
  • We use creativity and working with artists as a tool to provide learning opportunities for all children, staff and families. 
  • To provide extended provision and activities to parents and the community through the, training, workshops, support information, health services and in partnership with our PTA – Friends of Raddlebarn 
  • To share our good practice with other settings, colleagues and students whilst constantly striving to develop our own school practice through reflection, self-review and evaluation. 
  • To support and encourage the continuing professional development of all our staff. 
  • Work in partnership with other agencies, professionals and schools to offer appropriate support for children and families.